Game of Thrones "Winterfell" Review

After a year and a half of waiting since we last saw the Night King using the recently resurrected Viserion to blast the Wall into pieces, it was going to be impossible for the Season 8 premiere to live up to such a long wait, especially with all the hype surrounding this shortened final season. Despite that, while “Winterfell” doesn’t come out of the gate roaring, the episode offers enough great character moments, reunions and important developments to rise above the usual slow Game of Thrones opening. For a series so defined by its sprawling, expansive narrative, nothing says more about the current state of the series than the current scope of the episode (perfectly captured in the newly updated opening credits), which happens almost entirely around Winterfell and Kings Landing. The series has contracted its story into something a little more cohesive, while still featuring enough characters within places to not feel like it’s gotten too small. While the ...