
Showing posts with the label Game of the Year 2021

"The Best Games of 2021"

Another year has come and gone, and with it comes one of my favorite times of the year: Game of the Year.  2021 for games was certainly an interesting one. As the first full year after the launch of the new generation of consoles with the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X/S, no one can make the argument 2021 is gonna be fondly remembered as this high watermark for the generation we are about to see unfold (from recent memory, you can look at 2014 and 2019 as similar kind of transitional years). However, even with the lack of that defining game or games that stand as the thing that defined the year overall, I found 2021 to be a haven of variety. As someone that has decried in recent times (particularly in The X Button Podcast) about my recent disenchantment with the AAA scene being so dominated by the open world genre, I feel 2021 was a year where different kinds of experiences were allowed to stand out more thanks to the lack of that one game everyone froths at the mouth about (think